Our Words Mean Something
For the past five weeks I have been leading a communication workshop. The group has consisted of me and five women. I have enjoyed getting to know these women and their unique struggles as parents. Needless to say, this workshop has made me think a lot about talking. I think conversation is a loss art form in our culture, especially in the church. We speak at each other, but we don't talk with each other. We want to be heard, we want to vent; but we don't know how to listen or speak redemptively into each other's lives. It's funny because God creates the world through speaking. God uses his words to speak life into being. He creates the earth, sky, water, night/day, vegetation by speaking. God's words due something. It's funny how St. John picks up on Genesis 1&2 when he speaks of Christ being the Word. God not only speaks life into being, but God becomes the embodiment of his communication in the God-man Jesus Christ. Speaking is the means by which God uses us to love one another. We are called to speak words of life to each other. God uses our words to speak order and meaning into our lives of chaos and darkness. Much more can be said about this. Alas, I have run out of time.
There is a really cool scene in A River Runs Through It, where the father of the two boys (who is a Presbyterian Minister) is reading John 1. The older son walks up on him just after fishing and asks him what he is reading. He tells his son that it is about the word and the word coming before the water. The older son says no at least that's not what my brother who was an amazing fisherman. His father says of course he would say the word comes first.
Someone recently told my wife that structure is laziness. In thinking about that today I realized that all of life is structure, it is only God who is not. And if you are not a believer in God it is only energy that is not structure. So to say structure is laziness is silly, for while life is not merely a structure, it is a structure. The word...
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